Something different - a plate depicting all the warbler species of Southern Africa to scale. The print includes handwritten labels for each bird. This painting is available as a limited edition (set of 50) print, on high quality A3 paper. Each image is signed by the artist, and numbered. The bird’s name is penciled at [...]
Monotonous Lark
Faansie Peacock2020-05-16T15:20:14+02:00Despite its name, this is one of the most characterful of all our LBJs. So much so, that I decided to put it on the cover of my book Chamberlain's LBJs. The species arrives in incredible numbers after good rains, and males immediately start proclaiming their territories with a simple song, given day and night. [...]
Rufous-naped Lark
Faansie Peacock2020-05-16T15:20:14+02:00Rufous-naped Larks are synonymous with summer. The simple tsee-tseeooo whistles of males, delivered from some 1m-high perch such as a fence post, termite mound or boulder, is a familiar sound wherever one goes in grassland or open savanna. The males utter this song with their flamboyant red nape feathers raised high, and often perform little [...]

Yellow-breasted Pipit
Faansie Peacock2020-05-16T15:20:14+02:00This exquisite South African endemic is classified as Vulnerable with a total population of <5,000 mature individuals. The background image on this plate reflects a fond memory I have of a morning spent in the presence of these birds on the uplands around Memel in the Free State. This painting is available as a limited [...]

Short-tailed Pipit
Faansie Peacock2020-05-16T15:20:14+02:00This diminutive little dwarf pipit remains very poorly known. It performs extended aerial displays, often pre-dawn, with two or more birds sometimes engaging in brief acrobatic tumbles as show here. This painting is available as a limited edition (set of 25) print, on high quality A3 paper. Each image is signed by the artist, and [...]

Plain-backed Pipit
Faansie Peacock2020-05-16T15:20:14+02:00Even the name of this species is nondescript! I chose to illustrate it in a typical rural landscape in the Eastern Cape, with some huts and the Indian Ocean in the background. The other thumbnail image shows a pipit on a burnt field, where a multitude of stunned or scorched insects make for easy pickings. [...]
Marico Flycatcher
Faansie Peacock2020-05-16T15:20:14+02:00Small family parties of Marico Flycatcher are a standard fixture in Kalahari thornveld. Despite these birds only having soft, simple, sparrow-like chirping calls they are nontheless conspicuous owing to their snowy white breasts and choice of open vantage points from which they pounce on their insect prey. This painting is available as a limited edition [...]

Grey-backed Camaroptera
Faansie Peacock2020-05-16T15:20:14+02:00The exquisite nest of these undergrowth warblers is made by literally stitching living leaves, using spiderweb as thread, to a form a shell around the nest. This renders the nest nearly invisible - and also quite like that of a large spider. The old name "Bleating Warbler" is a good reflection of the nasal alarm [...]

Chestnut-vented Tit-babbler
Faansie Peacock2020-05-16T15:20:15+02:00Whether you call it a Tit-babbler, Chestnut-vented Warbler or even a Parisoma, these cheerful bushveld songsters are sure to brighten your day. They are particularly adept at spotting roosting owls and other predators, and are often in the front line when a raucous mob is established. The bird is pictured in a Sickle-bush, Dichrostachys cinerea, [...]

Cinnamon-breasted Bunting
Faansie Peacock2020-05-16T15:20:15+02:00These charming and characterful little buntings are highly nomadic. At certain times of year they can be abundant in open, rocky areas in sparse woodland habitats, with their lively songs drifting over the landscape for hours on end. Then, suddenly, they disappear for months on end. They are pictured here in a typical haunt: rocky [...]