New birds in Southern Africa: A tale of two lists

By |2020-05-16T15:19:48+02:00November 26th, 2018|Birds|

How many new species have been added to our Southern African list in the last few decades? The first time I counted up my lifelist as a young kid, it was 73 species...out of a possible 919 on the list. Today our Southern African list is on 978 species. In the 36 years I've been crawling/walking/running around in search of birds (and the publication of Roberts V) 100 species have been added. Here they are!

The Tantalizing Tankatara Warbler

By |2020-05-16T15:19:52+02:00September 5th, 2017|Birds, Identification|

The last week of August was probably the single greatest twitching saga in SA birding history, with the discovery of two firsts for the country at the same site! The only problem was, one of these, a nondescript warbler merrily swinging its tail about, defied identification. Read the whole story here, and learn a little something about ID of Upcher's Warbler.

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