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I am very happy with the way this rather spontaneous project turned out. And juding by the speed at which the books are selling, so are you apparently. I am always nervous to read the first book reviews, but so far so good. However, what really made the last year’s work worth it, is receiving letters like this one.
These are the reviews I care about.
The book was written for kids after all, so kids should review it. If you have a copy of Faansie’s Bird Book / Faansie se Voelboëk, won’t you send me your thoughts? I would really appreciate it! You can draw a picture, write something or tell me a story. I would love to share it on this website.
Or better yet, why don’t you send me a Whatsapp Voicenote? I am on 084 515 1207. Can’t wait to hear from you!
“Had a chance to absorb Faansie Peacock’s new book last night and today….and I think with the passing of time, this will be seen as a ground-breaking and very influential piece of work/product in the birding information sphere. This is an absolutely superb piece of work in so many ways…..I am sure it will inspire new generations of birders to take on the amazing and uplifting pastime that is birding. At the same time it has taken a genre (the field-guide) and ‘re-invented” it as something simple, non-technical and fun. This is a kids book – and will appeal to the child in all of us – I found myself learning new stuff from this book (and I’ve already got 672 bird books!). Chatting to Justin – we agreed that this is a fantastic resource for overseas birders who need something easy to use to get a grips on our amazing birds. It could just as easily be called the “Idiot’s guide” or “SA Birds for Dummies”..(remember there is an idiot lurking every one of us!!) …I urge every birder, new, medium or tired to get a copy, and to buy copies for all your nieces, nephews, children, partners, ooms, tannies and grand-parents. To Faansie and Ronel – hats off to you for having the courage to embark on this amazing project!!”
-Etienne Marais, Indicator Birding
“I feel that my opinion on this field guide will be echoed by many other birders out there, but I do believe it is safe to say that Faansie’s Bird Book is undoubtedly the worlds best, most professional, kid friendly field guide for any one regions birds, to have ever hit the shelves. Not only is this field guide a great book for kids but it is also a fantastic starting point for beginner birders (regardless of their age) and is also a great reference for even the most seasoned among us. It does what a lot of today’s conventional field guides don’t, and that’s highlight whats most important in a manner which gets the point across quickly and efficiently without burying it under piles of unnecessary, often daunting taxonomic terminology. The guide is a fun and simple approach to birds and birding in the country and is a guide not only to the birds but also to parents looking at instilling in their little ones a love for all things birds, birding and biodiversity. It is a stellar piece of work and will no doubt inspire many fledgling ornithologists as Faansie Peacock assumes a role of both inspiration and role model to countless young birders through his enthusiastic approach to the lifestyle as a whole and his flawless, revolutionary additions to the regions array of avian oriented publications.“
-John Kinghorn, Untamed Birding
“Our copy is sitting prominently on our dining room table and waiting to be read in the next few days (it is made out to the “Anderson family” as, who knows, maybe we will have grandchildren one day!). Buy a copy for budding young birders and introduce them to the hobby that so many of us are passionate about. We led two birding walks at Kedar in the North West this past weekend. There were a few experienced birders, but the majority were beginner birders. I took “Faansie’s Bird Book: along and pointed to the illustrations in the book for each species we saw. The birders were very impressed with the book. I’d recommend that all children (and perhaps beginner birdwatchers) be given a copy of this excellent book this Christmas. The book will, I believe, do wonders for birding in our country (and ultimately for BirdLife South Africa and bird conservation)! Very well done Faansie!”
-Mark Anderson, BirdLife South Africa
Age group please. I have a nine-year-old who is very clued up about birds. I’m worried this may be too basic for her.
Hi Stevie
It’s primarily intended for primary school kids. That being said, my three year old devours it too, and I just sold 60 copies at a talk I did to a club of retired birders. In fact, many experienced adult birders have secretly admitted to me that they now use this as their standard field guide :). So I guarantee it won’t be too basic for her. The book covers 722 species, and is 400-odd pages long. You can see lots of previews on this site. Let me know if I can help with anything. Best regards, Faansie
The illusrations are amazing. Why? Because they are actually quite fuzzy. That is what is so interesting. You are forced to learn the GISS rather than every speckle and every spot. This is opposed to the high powered photographs freely available today, which I think can sometime distract one when identifying in the field,
My wife bought it for the grandkids, but now we have it in our field reference library behind the drivers seat in the bakkie!
Great stuff Fansie.
Hi Johan
Thanks so much! Yeah, I tried to deliberately make the illustrations as simple as possible. Initially they were a lot more cartoony, with disproportionate body parts and smiles. But I quite like the final effect, which is more realistic. Glad you are enjoying the book!
Hey Faansie
I am 58 years old and consider myself a reasonable birder but this book is for me!. Worth every Nam dollar. Please include Namibia and the rest of southern Africa in your maps, we hate being left out !
Hi John – thanks for the message. Great to hear that you find the book useful! I think including Namibia and the other neighbouring countries is definitely a good idea. Maybe for a second, updated edition? F
I’m one of those 60+ year olds, and an experienced birder, who’ve just bought this book and I’m loving it. Am learning so much, and in such a fun way. Thanks Faansie
Hi Diana
So glad to hear you are enjoying the book! Yes, learning is easier when it is fun, isn’t it? Thanks for the message!
I am also 60+ birder, resident in the USA but birding in ZA a lot. This is now my go-to guide, much easier to work with than Roberts or Sasol. So much more relevant info that is easily accessible, more than the others. I wish we had a similar guide for American birds. I recommend it to all the birders I meet.
Thank you Faansie
Thanks Hendrik!
I know it was written for kids but lent some adult beginners my nieces copy and they loved it! So have ordered 3 more copies for them
Thanks Lynda!
Hi Faansie. At last a simplified bird book! A friend has bought the book and I spent many hours going through the pages over this past weekend on a visit to Mabula Game Reserve. I am not sure why you reference it as a “Kids Book”, I certainly believe that it is useful for all aspiring birders. Personally I believe it is a great tool for both beginner and seasoned birders alike. Great insight into some of the birds and I found the descriptions and pointers particularly useful in identifying between different birds with similar attributes and characteristics. I believe that this will become a standard in any birders book shelf. I will be buying one online. Awesome job Faansie. Gareth
Hi Gareth – thank a lot, I appreciate the kind words!
Ons hele gesin, kinders én ouers geniet die boek vreeslik! Ons kinders (3 en 6) het elkeen hul eie boek, maar ek begin dink ek moet vir my en Pappa ook elkeen een kry… Die boek maak dit soveel pret om die kinders van voëls te leer en selfs ons as volwassenes leer heelwat nuwe dinge… Ons is huidiglik met vakansie in Mtunzini en waar ons ookal gaan, gaan Oom Faansie saam… Oom Faansie voel al soos deel van ons gesin…;-)
Haha, baie dankie Nicolize! Ek is baie bly dat die boek vir julle gesin soveel beteken! Geniet Mtunzini!
I need to buy two children’s bird books. – how do I order?
Hi Allison – you can buy the book directly from this website, and I will courier your copy to you. Your local book store should also have stock, or alternatively can order on your behalf from Booksite Afrika. They’ll know that name. F
Hi Faansie,
I can only echo all the good in the above comments – I bought a copy for my nieces (primary school age but already showing interest in birds thanks to their grandparents being nature lovers), and then, having perused it, I couldn’t resist ordering myself a copy. For a novice birder it is brilliant – your colour coded “types” makes it so quick to get to the relevant family of birds, and then all the detailed notes alongside the illustrations help enormously to differentiate the various species. Makes it SO much easier to narrow down the options. And I love all the little extra interesting bits you’ve thrown in too. I’ve decided that this will be the book I carry around in the field, and will keep my Roberts for back up at home. Clearly you need to amend the title to “…..for kids of all ages”, or something like that! Congratulations on a fabulous book!
Hi Pat, thanks for your wonderful message! I really appreciate it. Yes, certainly the book would be useful to kids of all ages – we would all do well to see the world with the eyes of children again! Glad you are enjoying the book! Best regards, Faansie
Dear Faansie. I am 9 years old. I keep an electronic nature journal and my tutor helps me with it. I like your book a lot! It has been very useful in helping me identify birds. I really enjoy looking at the colourful pictures too, and it is easy to use. I just mailed you 2 pages from my journal. You feature in them. You are most welcome to post it onto your website to help you sell more of your fantastic books. Regards Kei Linstrom-Fulton, BLOEMFONTEIN
Hi Kei – thanks for the message and glad to hear that the book has been helpful. Thank you for the journal pages!! Faansie
I was lent this book by a friend of ours, and I enjoyed it so much that I
decided to buy myself one as well.
It’s full of very helpful information that you don’t get in other bird books.
It has a very nice layout and the colour groups help tremendously in identifying a bird.
The map is also broken up into provinces, which is a nice touch.
There are lots of fun aspects to the book as well, like the Bird Nerd Game.
And last but not least, the book has amazing illustrations.
I would recommend this book to all birders, of all ages.
Hey Oliver – hope you are well. Thanks for the great comment, and for the recommendation. I really appreciate it! F
Desperately need one of the Faansie’s Bird book 1’s for a friend’s grandson for Christmas. Where can I buy one?
Hi Mary – Unfortunately FBB1 is no longer available – although you may bump into single copies in shops. The second edition is available from this website, or from most book retailers. F