I still have a couple of thousand copies of Chamberlain’s Waders in my garage – so if you prefer to get the printed edition, don’t hesitate (buy directly from this page). However, nowadays we all know how convenient it is to have immediate access to digital versions of books, on your computer, ipad or phone. So, you can get the exact same book in a ePDF version. You can open the file with any software that can handle a pdf, including Adobe Reader, or many others (freely available online). Due to the complicated layout of the book, I decided not to produce the book in ePub format; therefore, one is not able to change font sizes etc. However, you should be able to highlight, select text, add notes and perform various other actions using the Adobe software. Also, you’ll see that all the referenced page numbers in the text are clickable. After initially opening and saving the pdf, you are welcome to make copies for your OWN use, on your various devices (computer, phone, ipad etc.).  You can also edit and personalise the file, as you see fit.

But I do ask that you  please support a struggling ornithologist / author / artist by NOT MAKING ILLEGAL COPIES of the book! I worked hard on this book for three years, full-time, and I think the eBook is very reasonably priced. Copyright of this work, including text, images, maps and all other material is retained by Faansie Peacock (me). Thank you, good luck with the LBJs, and enjoy the book! Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries.

Payment is simple via Credit Card, and you should immediately get a download link. You can also EFT and I’ll email you a link. Check out the prices and combo special below. Click on the images to go to the purchase page.




ABOVE: Carrying two tons of books around in the field can be hazardous for your health, as demonstrated by this Kentish Plover (based on the specimen found at the Ugab River Mouth along Namibia’s Skeleton Coast on 16 September 1984; the only evidence of this species’ occurrence in southern Africa). May I suggest that you get the eBook instead?